Sunday, April 10, 2011

Odell - 90 shilling amber ale

Odell, I am falling in love with your brewery. 3 beer reviews in and nothing even close to mediocre. This beer is fantastic so far, let me tell you why.
This is another short and sweet review since I want to continue savoring you. And by you I mean, the beer. If I was savoring my readers (or lack there of) that would just be creepy and odd, don't you understand that you can't drink a person?..
Pours hazy golden red brown
2ish finger head
Good lacing
Smells like brown sugar
Medium body
Slightly bitter (just enough)
Just a pinch of nuts
Don't pinch my nuts
Just a hair of hops coming though
A little bit of dark fruit
Slightly lingering finish
Back bone of brown sugar and delicious
Was that good for you, because I know it was for me? Not amazing but is definately light years better than your average gas station beer... now go get your self some and enjoy.

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