Saturday, April 23, 2011

Abita - strawberry harvest ale

My wife brought this back on her recent excursion to Memphis, on the recommendations of her coworkers in the area. And it would be a good recommendation if the beer finished the way I was hoping.
First off it poured much lighter than I was expecting... not sure why I figured it would be more brown, but its pretty light and hazy. Almost no head to be found on a fiarly heavy handed pour.
OK so the taste... it has that distinctive lager bite, with a big upfront strawberry taste. But here is where I would gone a different route. Its good but the strawberry is too much a topical flavor and not enough backbone flavor wise. There is a reason why alot of people decide to do fruit flavored beers as a wheat beer, it has a nice earthy undertone that works well with the fruits flavor. The lager just overpowers the strawberry, by the time that you get to the finish it just comes right back to the lager overpower. Not much fruit... if it had a rich strawberry finish this beer would be amazing and would have a permanent spot in my fridge when in season... but no it fails out... This beer still gets 3 stars... its still good... just not 4 or 5 star good...

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