I am a big fan of Scotch, and I'm a big fan of beer, so this should be a pretty cut and dry review right? Not really... it is a very complex and kind of different beer that suits tonight perfectly. Its not too cold its not too warm, but it sure as hell doesn't seem right to drink a porter and surely doesn't feel fully like Wheat beer season just yet...
On first pour this beer has very little head, which I am quite all right with. I'm not a big fan of having to wait to drink my beer, so beers that have less head tend to rate slightly higher in my book. It pours a very clean brownish red with a good amount of carbonation. The odd thing is that it has very little aroma to it. At first whiff I just thought "well it has no smell... so its gotta taste like bud light...". I couldn't have been further from being right.
On first taste it has a very crisp malt to it that fades to a scotchish back bone. There are some brown sugar notes in it, but nothing that really goes above the Scotch and ale sides of this. It is almost reminiscent of an Irish red but minus the nuttyness that generally accompanies the flavor profile. I wish it was a little more complex though. I by all means am not going to say this beer is one note or not good, because by all means its not. That being said this would not be a beer I would buy all the time, for me it is a time to time beer and thankfully it is a seasonal beer so for me it is nothing other than a "build your own six pack" filler for something a little different. It is good, just not quite as good as I was hoping coming from the Schlafly line up.
Its nice and crisp, but I would rather just drink a Scotch and a ale... go figure.
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